Happening on the third Friday of every month during the summer, Friday Night Live is the perfect opportunity to meet up with friends, shop, dine and enjoy some great live music!
The Friday Night Live series will be hosted at the newly renovated Taylor Pavilion, located behind The Taylor Smokehouse. The venue provides amphitheater style seating in a rustic natural setting that provides a humble environment to enjoy good friends, music, and food. Without a bad seat in the house this is a great way to discover great new music while enjoying all that Old Town has to offer.
The headlining act Thom Shepherd & Coley McCabe are returning hometown celebrities. Thom is a native to Winchester and graduated from James Wood, and Coley grew up in Hedgesville and graduated from Hedgesville High.
Thom is the writer of two number one country songs, “Riding with Private Malone,” and “Redneck Yacht Club,” three Texas Music number ones, “Beer Season,” “My Texas,” and “The Night is Young.” Thom has had over 100 songs recorded by other artists, two songs on Grammy nominated albums, and multiple top ten hits nationwide and in Texas.
Coley McCabe sang a duet with Andy Griggs called “Grow Young With You” that was featured in the Natalie Portman film, “Where The Heart Is,” and co-wrote the top 5 SheDaisy hit “Lucky 4 U.” She hails from West Virginia and has had songs recorded by artists ranging from Kristi Lee Cook to Loretta Lynn. She also starred in the film “Alabama Love Story.”. Coley has Thom and Coley had instant reaction to their duets that lead for the demand of a project showcasing the songs they sing together.
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